Most Collectable Pictorial Shapur Antique Persian Isfahan 4.6x6.10

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Most Collectable Pictorial Shapur Antique Persian Isfahan 4.6x6.10

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Decorate with the rich jewel tones of this unique antique Persian rug, with the quality that matures with age. The perfect choice for any home, this rare rug contains big character. This gorgeous rug features the Shapur, eagle and lion pictorial design in luxurious color like red. In this rug many colors are utilized for disparity including shades of red. Hand knotted quality and fine Persian wool classic Persian design. Size 4.6 x 6.10 feet. Hand woven by a master Persian weaver in Isfahan, Iran. Isfahan (Esfahan) carpets are among the best of Persian carpets ever produced and they are both durable and decorative.  The Shapur the great was the second Shahanshah 'king of kings' of the Sasanian Empire. His famous legacy is the decisive defeat of the romans at the infamous battle of Edessa, where the roman army was defeated and captured in its entirety, including the roman emperor, valerian. He became the first roman emperor to be captured as a prisoner of war, causing instability in the empire. As such, the battle is generally viewed as one of the worst disasters in roman military history. The approximate year of origin: 1940-1950

Similiar items have sold as high as $17,000.00.
Size: 4.6 X 6.10
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