Service for 12 of Lunt Sterling Belvedere Pattern

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Service for 12 of Lunt Sterling Belvedere Pattern

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Exceptionally nice service for 12 lightly used set of Lunt sterling flatware in the tasteful Belvedere pattern. The set contains a total of 84 pieces consisting of 12 forks, 12 salad forks, 24 teaspoons, 11 soup or cereal spoons, 12 hollow-handled knives, 6 hollow-handled steak knives, 1 hollow-handled master butter, 2 sizes of 2 piece hollow-handled carving sets, and a solid 2 piece salad serving set. If one counts the hollow-handled pieces at 1 ounce each, the set weighs 108.3 troy ounces. All the pieces are in lightly used condition with no monograms or noticable imperfections. The set comes housed in a wooden case which has a partial crack on the top, but not affecting the integrity of the rest of the box.

Similiar items have sold as high as $10,800.00.
United States