Rare Collectible Etching by Rembrandt, The Goldweigher

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Rare Collectible Etching by Rembrandt, The Goldweigher

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This is a beautiful etching, after Rembrandt, by master engraver Amand Durand. Titled “Jan Uytenbogaert, The Goldweigher” (year of original 1639). Etching image size is 10″ x 8.5″. Paper with Border measures 17.5″ x 14.5″. On Somerset paper. Signed and dated in the plate. Comes with a certificate of authenticity. Reference #281 according to the British Catalogue, circa 1797, is a hand pulled-ETCHING from the AUTHENTIC & Original copper Rembrandt plates by Armand-Durand (1831-1905) overseen by Art World Industries, inc. This etching is in mint condition, and has never been framed.
Similiar items have sold as high as $3,000.00.

Artist: :Rembrandt
Art Title: :The Goldweigher
Size: 17.5x14.5

Certificate: This piece comes with a Certificate of Authenticity.

United States