Photorealistic Figurative Watercolor!

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Photorealistic Figurative Watercolor!

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This is an original watercolor on paper in excellent condition.  It has only been shown in a gallery setting.   Please note there is some glare in the detailed pics from the glass.  

The son of master hyperrealist artist Jesus Navarro, it was precisely in his father’s workshop as a young child when Iban learned to paint and use different artistic techniques. Born in Barcelona in 1982, he began studying art with his father and at a very young age he exhibited tremendous talent. He selected watercolor as his primary media due to its transparency and versatility when combined with other pigments, which results in dynamic and consistent results. 

His artistic career began at the early age of 20 with his debut in the group exhibition El Corte Inglés in Barcelona 2002, where he gained great notoriety and excellent reviews. He has been exhibiting nationally and internationally ever since, and improving his technique year after year.    

Iban is known as one of the foremost Spanish realist painters. He frequently demonstrates his refined technique in sweeping panoramas of landscapes or boats harbored in marinas. He is collected extensively through Europe and the United States. 


This item came with a gallery retail tag value of $28,000.00

Artist:Iban Navarro
Art Title :Calm Day
Size: 25x39 Inches

Frame: This piece is framed. Artwork is obtained from various contracts or estates, and occasionally the frame may contain minor dents or scratches. Condition of frames is not guaranteed. 

Certificate: This piece comes with a Certificate of Authenticity.

United States