Investment Grade Persian Tabriz 2.8x9.10

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Investment Grade Persian Tabriz 2.8x9.10

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This item is truly a highlight and stunning handmade Persian Tabriz runner. Size 2.8x9.10 ft, utilizing the finest baby lamb's wool, and highlighted with silk on a cotton foundation, all natural vegetable dye. Utilizing a rare and rather unique design pattern that incorporates highly detailed floral motifs, the expert artistry that went into creating this rug can be seen in the greatly detailed symmetrical pattern of this rug. A truly breathtaking runner that not only makes a great piece to any home or office decor, but a great investment piece as well, since the value of such a high quality hand woven Persian rug only increases in time. This stunning rug has a very high knots per square inch count and woven by one of the masters of Persian rug weaving in Tabriz, Iran
Similiar items have sold as high as $3,800.00.
Size: 2.8x9.10 Feet
United States