Charming Nicolletta Belletti Original Arylic Chicca Nicolletta Belletti Chicca

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Charming Nicolletta Belletti Original Arylic Chicca Nicolletta Belletti Chicca

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This is an Amazing Original Acrylic and Resin on Canvas  No Framing is Necessary for this piece and it is ready to Hang. Nicoletta Belletti lives and works in Parma. An original artist, she has developed a personal technique in which the material has become substantial, and distinctive of her paintings. She creates her works using material acrylic on the table, spread with a spatula and with the addition in some cases of elements such as sand or stones. Portraits of people, animals, flowers, more recently the water and the sea, are the subjects of his works.

Artist Nicolletta Belletti
Title Chicca
This item came with a gallery retail tag value of $3,800.00

Artist: :Nicolletta Belletti
Art Title: :Chicca
Size: 14.5 x 11.5 Inches

Certificate: This piece comes with a Certificate of Authenticity.

United States