Nude Erotic Bronze Sculpture

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Start Time:
3/30/2023 2:15:00 AM
End Time:
4/3/2023 2:00:00 AM

God creates a man (Adam) from the dust, blows life into him, and creates for him the Garden of Eden. Then God plants the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil and the Tree of Life in the middle of the garden. God permits a man to eat fruits of all the trees in the garden except the fruits of the Tree of Knowledge, and warns him, For on the day you eat of it you shall surely die. God brings animals for man to name, but none of the animals are suitable companions for him. So God makes him sleep and creates a woman from a part of his body (a rib). The man calls her ’woman’ (Eve, or Hawwah). The Serpent tells Eve to eat the fruits of the Tree of Knowledge and tells her that it will make her like God. Eve decides to eat the forbidden fruit and then gives it to Adam, who eats it. After eating the forbidden fruits (of knowledge), they become aware of their bodies. Adam and Eve cover their bodies with fig leaves and hide from God. God finds them and asks them what they have done. They tell God what happened, blame each other, and Eve blames the serpent for seducing her to disobedience (by eating the forbidden fruits). God curses the Serpent and makes it lose its legs. And God passes judgment for the disobedience of Adam and Eve. He condemns the man to earning his living through hard labor and condemns the woman to creating children through painful childbirth. Then God banishes them from the Garden of Eden. Adam and Eve have their children Cain and Abel (Genesis 4). In Genesis 5 Adam&rsquo.s genealogy is described, and they are listed as having three children: Cain, Abel, and Seth, and then other sons and daughters (Genesis 5:4, NIV). Adam lived for 930 years. Bronze Dimensions with Marble Base: Height 18 X Width 6 inches. Weight: 12 LBS.

Size: 18X6X6 Inches
United States